Energy Audit Service

How can EEC support you?

We have of pool of trained Energy Auditors. These professionals are professionally trained in carrying out different types of energy audits to help your company to achieve its maximum energy savings. Different kinds of energy audit can be carried out by EEC:

  • Walk through Audit
  • Targeted energy audit
  • Detail Energy Audit
  • Energy Monitoring

If you are interested, please, contact us using the contact form on the right side or via email to eec@fncci.org!

Walk Through Energy Audit

A walk through audit is the first step for Detail Energy Audit. This audit is of one to two days wherein the energy auditors and the plant personnel walk around the plant to assess the areas of energy consumption. In this audit the secondary data from the plant is collected and a general process flow diagram is made. The results of this audit are:

Detail Energy Audit

As the name implies this audit takes a look at all the areas of energy consumption and utilization. This audit is long and very thorough. All secondary data of energy and production for the past five years are collected. Detail measurements of all the areas from generation to utilization are taken. All the data, primary as well as secondary, are analyzed and recommendations are made for the whole plant. In a detail audit the auditors do most of the work and are assisted by the plant personnel in a limited capacity. A very clear history of plant production and energy use is drawn up: