
EEC Factsheet: Energy Efficiency for Cement Industry in Nepal 

This fact-sheet summarizes energy saving potentials in Nepalese cement sector. It also give information on monetary savings by implementing energy audit and energy efficiency options in the industries. The fact-sheet is based on the findings of "Baseline Study of Selected Sector Industries to assess the Potentials for more Efficient use of Energy in Nepal" conducted by GIZ/NEEP Program in 2012.

Industrial Efficiency Technology Database – Cement 

Institute for Industrial Productivity's package of databases on technology, policy, financing and supply chain initiatives that are publicly available and offered free of charge, as part of our mandate to increase industrial energy productivity in energy-intensive sectors. It aims to help decision makers identify technologies and measures that improve productivity and profits while reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in industry, and assist companies in assessing the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency investment options.

Energy Manager Training India – Cement Sector

 Knowledge base and platform for energy auditors in India established by Bureau of Energy Efficiency India and supported by Indo-German Energy Program (IGEN). The webpage contains a database of industrial processes and respective energy saving measures as well as a directory of energy efficiency professionals and technology suppliers from India.

Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia – Case Studies 

Best practices fact sheets of cement industries from various Asian countries that were audited and implemented energy efficiency measures during UNEP funded project on t"Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Industry in Asia and the Pacific" (GERIAP) until 2006.

Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool (BEST) for Cement 

"Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool (BEST) for Cement" is a process-level benchmarking tool developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Energy Research Institute in China.