
The following options will ensure that your diesel genset is operating at best efficiency and you can tap potential energy savings:

  • Ensure steady load conditions on the DG set, and provide cold, dust free air at intake (use of air washers for large sets, in case of dry, hot weather, can be considered).
  • Improve air filtration.
  • Ensure fuel oil storage, handling and preparation as per manufacturers’ guidelines/oil company data.
  • Consider fuel oil additives in case they benefit fuel oil properties for DG set usage.
  • Calibrate fuel injection pumps frequently.
  • Ensure compliance with maintenance checklist.
  • Ensure steady load conditions, avoiding fluctuations, imbalance in phases, harmonic loads.
  • In case of a base load operation, consider waste heat recovery system adoption for steam generation or refrigeration chiller unit incorporation. Even the Jacket Cooling Water is amenable for heat recovery, vapour absorption system adoption.
  • In terms of fuel cost economy, consider partial use of biomass gas for generation. Ensure tar removal from the gas for improving availability of the engine in the long run.
  • Consider parallel operation among the DG sets for improved loading and fuel economy thereof.
  • Carryout regular field trials to monitor DG set performance, and maintenance planning as per requirements